April Alumni Luncheon

April Alumni Luncheon

Our next luncheon is Friday, April 18th.  The Guest Speaker will be BG CJ Nutter. 
CJ’s last assignment was Chief of the Defense Threat Reduction Office Tbilisi Georgia and also served as the Biological Threat Reduction Program Country Manager for Georgia. His experience in Georgia covers 20 years beginning with serving on the first Georgian Military Liaison Team, Director of Georgia to Georgia State Partnership and other assignments both full and part time.

Luncheon Details – This month we’re at the 57th Fighter Group

As with any USNAAAA you will be able to catch up with classmates and shipmates, and hear what is happening locally within the Chapter and in Annapolis with the Alumni Association and Foundation.  The gathering starts at 11:30, lunch is served at Noon.
Menu:  ”Southern Coq Au Vin” (fried chicken cutlets with 57th bacon, cremini mushrooms, carrots, & onion in a brandy garlic chicken reduction.)  mmmmm!

The 57th Fight Group Restaurant
3829 Clairmont Road
Atlanta, 30341
Please visit the Chapter’s website for more information at:  atlanta.usnaaasiteadmin.net

Please visit and like USNAAAA on Facebook at:  www.Facebook.com/USNAAAA

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