Things You Might Not Have Heard About Pearl Harbor

Below was shared by Thomas K. Kimmel, Jr., regarding THE DIRECTOR ON NAVAL HISTORY’S PEARL HARBOR DAY MESSAGE, 12-7-16
Dear USNI,
I recently learned that the Director of Naval History Admiral Samuel Cox sent the attached (see below)  Pearl Harbor attack message to every admiral in the United States Navy last Pearl Harbor Day, 7 December 2016. As soon as I learned of this important matter, I searched passed issues of PROCEEDINGS and NAVAL HISTORY for a report on this fact without success. If I missed it please advise me where I can find it in the pages of PROCEEDINGS, or NAVAL HISTORY.  If you have not published Director Cox’s message, I request that you do so as soon as possible.
Although I have not heard back from you concerning my 4/8/17 request that you publish my 4/7/17 application to the Bureau for Correction of Naval Records (BCNR) in the Admiral Kimmel case, I again ask that you do so. It seems particularly appropriate in view of the Director of Naval History’s Pearl Harbor Day message.
Thank you for your kind attention to this matter of national honor.
Thomas K. Kimmel, Jr.
H-001-1 17 Nov 16  S.J. Cox
Pearl Harbor, 7 December 1941
The following is not intended to be a comprehensive account of Pearl Harbor, nor to whitewash the numerous errors of judgment and failures of process that occurred across all levels of the U.S. chain-of-command from the President to the tactical level.  Over time, the lessons of history tend to get distilled to a “bumper sticker” level, when the reality is far more complex and nuanced…and many times the conventional wisdom bumper sticker is just plain wrong.  There is no question that the United States and the Navy were not prepared for war, despite the fact that Navy leaders well-understood that U.S. diplomacy and economic embargos were pushing the Japanese toward initiating hostilities.  Navy leaders kept arguing for our diplomats to back off in order to buy more time. The commanders at Pearl Harbor were anticipating war far more than they were ever given credit for.  Hopefully this will stimulate you and your Sailors to want to know more.
Things You Might Not Have Heard About Pearl Harbor:
Vice Admiral Nagumo’s post-attack report stated that after the first five minutes U.S. AAA fire became so intense that it effectively negated the effect of surprise.  The fact that more Japanese planes weren’t shot down (9 on the first wave, 20 on the second wave) had more to do with the ineffectiveness of the weapons being used (.50 cal with too-short range, insufficient numbers of jam-prone 1.1” quad AAA guns, 5” guns that couldn’t elevate enough to counter dive bombers, large numbers of dud rounds) than due to surprise.  Japanese sources reported astonishment at the volume of fire put up by U.S. ships at Pearl Harbor, and the increasing intensity and accuracy was a major factor in Nagumo’s decision not to send a “third wave.”  The U.S. shipboard 5” guns, which became active mostly on the second wave, fired over 3,100 rounds, which actually accounted for the majority of U.S. civilian deaths (all the damage in Honolulu was from U.S. AAA returning to earth.)  The deficiencies in AAA were well known to Navy leaders in Washington, demonstrated in exercises at sea, but uncorrected until late 1942 with the introduction of Bofors 40mm, Oerlikon 20mm, and 5” with proximity fuses.  Due to the pre-war budget-driven paucity of “live-fire” training, the large number of defective rounds too came as an unpleasant surprise to the defenders at Pearl Harbor.  The Japanese torpedo planes that attacked Battleship Row (all in the first wave) also rolled in five minutes before planned, and even so, seven of the last nine were shot down; had they been on schedule, their losses to U.S. AAA would have been even greater.
The known AAA deficiency of the U.S. ships (based on exercise experience) was a principle factor in why the battleships were in port rather than at sea (“Sunday” had little to do with it.)  The two U.S. carriers (USS Lexington (CV-2) and Enterprise (CV-6)) in the mid-Pacific were away on higher-priority national tasking to deliver U.S. Marine aircraft (stripped from Pearl Harbor defenses) to Midway and Wake Island to support the transit of B-17 bombers to the Philippines in a hastily conceived change of national strategy to use bombers to deter Japanese attack against the Philippines.  The original orders called for the carriers to carry and launch U.S. Army Air Force fighters (also stripped from Pearl Harbor) but Admiral Kimmel succeeded in convincing Washington that was a dumb idea.  Without carrier air cover, the battleships at sea were considered to be highly vulnerable to both air and submarine attack, and the lack of carrier air cover was the principle reason Kimmel brought the fleet in, and in the event the ships were sunk, they wouldn’t be lost in deep water with most of their crews.  In Pearl Harbor, the responsibility of air defense was with the Army (Navy was responsible for long range reconnaissance.)  The Army’s capability to defend Pearl Harbor against air attack was a known serious deficiency, one that the Army commander in Hawaii, General Short, had lobbied hard to correct but had been overridden by Washington due to higher priority elsewhere.  Despite knowing this, Kimmel reasoned that having the ships in port with some air cover was better than being at sea with no air cover (which disabuses the notion that “battleship admirals” just didn’t get it.)
Because of the known deficiency in Army air defense (minimal AAA and many obsolete aircraft) Kimmel directed the ships in port maintain a higher status in AAA readiness then they would normally have been at.  Although the stories of ammunition being “locked up” (which was true for ships in repair status) have become common lore, a quarter of the fleet’s .50 cal AA were manned and ready, and reacted almost immediately.   The 5” guns came on line quickly, but too late to counter the torpedo bombers which led the first wave (which were most vulnerable to fire from the 5” guns) and largely ineffective against the dive and high-level bombers.  For every story of naval personnel being dumfounded that they were are under attack, there are more where naval personnel instantly grasped what was happening; the signal for air attack was being hoisted as the first bomb was falling on Ford Island, and most ships began responding with the capability they had almost immediately (although the gun crews were actually well-trained and drilled, the .50 cal were just not particularly effective).  The ships were more fully manned than they normally would have been; 70% of the officers and almost all enlisted were aboard ships in operational status.  (Thanksgiving leave and liberty had been cancelled; Kimmel’s staff had been at work late Saturday – the fleet was not in “holiday routine.”  Of note, after Admiral Nimitz assumed command, he carefully reviewed Admiral Kimmel’s inport air defense plan and chose not to change any of it, reasoning that it was as well-thought out as could be given the system limitations.
Admiral Kimmel, and his predecessor, Admiral Richardson, were well aware that Pearl Harbor was potentially vulnerable to air attack (contrary to popular lore).  In at least four major fleet battle problems in the 1920’s and 1930’s (and numerous smaller exercises,) U.S. carriers had “attacked” Pearl Harbor and achieved surprise every time.   Admiral Richardson was fired by President Roosevelt for vociferously arguing that putting the Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor was a provocation and a vulnerability rather than a deterrent to the Japanese, and also lacked the support/supply infrastructure of the Pacific Fleet’s then home ports of San Pedro and Long Beach.  The Pacific Fleet had deployed to Hawaii as part of an exercise in 1940 and had been ordered by President Roosevelt to stay (Imagine three carriers going out on RIMPAC and being directed to stay in Hawaii indefinitely, with no families or preparation and insufficient support infrastructure.)   When Kimmel assumed command, he lobbied continuously and vigorously for more long-range reconnaissance, more air defense capability, and even barrage balloons and torpedo nets.  Almost none of what Kimmel requested was forthcoming, due to the higher priority of the Atlantic, or because the U.S. Navy didn’t have the capability yet.
The critical thing that Admiral Kimmel did not know (and no American knew) was that only at the 11th hour in late October had the Japanese figured out, through extensive trial and error, a torpedo fin configuration that would enable torpedoes to be launched from aircraft in water as shallow as Pearl Harbor.  Kimmel anticipated a bomb threat, that barring a lucky hit like the one on the Arizona, could damage a battleship, but wasn’t considered near as lethal as a torpedo.  Kimmel also was not anticipating an attack of the scale of Pearl Harbor; the first time the Japanese ever launched a six-carrier strike was 7 Dec 1941, even they hadn’t practiced it.  Kimmel, along with everyone else in the U.S. Navy at the time, “mirror imaged” Japanese capability in believing their carriers would operate as ours, in single carrier task groups.  Many others woefully under-estimated Japanese capability, e.g. since our torpedoes couldn’t be dropped in such shallow water, how could the Japanese with their “inferior” technology possibly do it?
Also contrary to lore, Kimmel and most other senior Navy leaders were very cognizant of the threat posed by carrier aviation.  As early as 1916, the Navy General Board (the group of senior Navy Admirals that advised the Secretary of the Navy – eventually supplanted by the OPNAV staff) stated that whoever controlled the air at sea had a decisive advantage.  During exercises in the 1930’s however, the carriers were always “sunk,” because they were highly vulnerable to the opposing carrier.  The carriers were essentially viewed as a prizefighter with a knockout punch and a glass jaw, hence the continued focus on what the Navy viewed as a “balanced” fleet.  Even the Japanese still viewed their battleships as the decisive force, even after the attack.  Admiral Nagumo had a long list of reasons for not launching a third wave, but the primary one was that he did not know where the American carriers were and he assumed (erroneously) that we knew where he was, which made him acutely vulnerable to surprise attack by the American carriers.
The location of the Japanese carriers, particularly the big fleet carriers, was the highest priority for U.S. Naval Intelligence in the Pacific in the year leading up to Pearl Harbor, and the intelligence organization had gone to 24/7/365 manning (normal now, but unheard of then) months before the attack in response to rising tensions.  In the weeks before the attack, U.S. naval intelligence knew that we had lost track of the carriers, a fact of great concern, but something that had happened several times before for up to three weeks in the preceding year.  Although Japanese OPSEC was not perfect, they did not make themselves an easy target to track, ever.  Kimmel was so concerned about that lack of locating data on the carriers, that he personally visited the basement location of Station HYPO (under the command of Commander Joe Rochefort, who worked for OP-20G (in Naval Communications) in Washington, not for Kimmel) which was also unheard of, to understand exactly which codes were being read, and how the traffic analysis process worked.  At the morning staff meeting on 2 Dec 41, Kimmel said to his Fleet Intelligence Officer, LCDR Eddie Layton words to the effect, “do you mean to tell me the Japanese carriers could be rounding Diamond Head now and we wouldn’t know it?”  Layton responded with, “Yes, but I would have hoped they would have been spotted by now.”
Two weeks prior the attack on Pearl Harbor, in response to rising tensions and even before the 27 November “War Warning” message, Admiral Kimmel directed the Pacific Fleet in Exercise 191.  The exercise plan called for the USS Lexington (acting as “Black” Force) to proceed two hundred miles north of Oahu and launch a strike against “White Base” (Pearl  Harbor) to test air defense reaction, and also to be on the lookout in case the Japanese might be in the area.  The exercise was cut short by directive from Washington to avoid any actions that might be interpreted by the Japanese as provocative, as Washington belatedly came to the conclusion that “buying time” was necessary.  Sources are in dispute as to whether Kimmel considered the north to be the primary threat sector, but this exercise (and the fact that previous exercise “surprise strikes” originated from the north, due to the far less dense shipping traffic) suggests that he did. As it turned out, the Japanese carrier force launched their strike from the same position as the Lexington did.
The U.S. had broken the primary Japanese diplomatic code (“Purple”) and some lesser diplomatic codes.  The U.S. was in the process of breaking the Japanese General Naval Operating Code (then referred to as the “5 Num” code, and later retroactively as the JN-25 series.)  Sources conflict as to how much of the naval code the U.S. was reading before Pearl Harbor, but at best it wasn’t much.  The real point is that neither Kimmel nor Layton had access to Purple (also known as “Magic”) intelligence, other diplomatic intercepts, or any JN-25 intelligence that might have existed.  Some of the “conspiracy” books about Pearl Harbor postulate some sort of sinister intent on the part of Roosevelt, but the reality appears to be pure bureaucratic buffoonery.  Kimmel and Layton sensed that there was intelligence they were not getting (and Gen MacArthur and ADM Hart in the Philippines were,) especially after they got a couple Purple-derived messages by accident in July, and kept requesting to receive such intelligence.  The CNO, Admiral Stark (and others of the very few who were cleared) assumed that Kimmel was getting Purple traffic, or was told erroneously that he was, and no one followed up to be sure.  The Purple traffic was so tightly compartmented that no one actually had the big picture; the few senior leaders with access each sifted through hundreds of raw decoded intercepts, with no overall assessment.
Within the Purple traffic, and the lesser diplomatic codes which were being decrypted very-time late, were plenty of indications that would have alerted Kimmel and Layton that Pearl Harbor was a target.  They did not receive any of it.  Prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor, there was a mountain of intelligence indicating that hostilities were imminent in the Far East between Japan and Britain and probably the United States.  In no message from Washington that Kimmel received, including the 27 November “War Warning,” was Pearl Harbor ever explicitly mentioned as a possible target.  The fact that Washington was also directing that fighters be stripped from Hawaii, over Kimmel’s and Short’s protests, strongly suggested to Kimmel that Washington was not concerned about an attack on Pearl Harbor.
After the attack, the traditional American search for someone to blame (besides the Japanese) commenced in earnest.  Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox arrived soon after the attack to investigate.  The Army relieved General Short first, and in the spirit of “jointness” the Navy followed suit with Kimmel on 17 Dec 1941.  Kimmel expected to be relieved and revert to his “permanent rank” of two-star RADM. (It was fairly common for 3 and 4 stars to accept follow on positions at 2 star rank.  (RADM Claude Bloch, the Commander of the 14th Naval District (Hawaii) at the time of the attack, and who worked for both Kimmel and CNO Stark, had previously been the four-star Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Fleet in 1938-40.))  Kimmel expected to be offered a follow-on job where he could contribute to the war, but that never happened and he eventually reluctantly resigned.  The Roberts Commission in 1942, which was the first of numerous investigations, was conducted with none of the rules of evidence or rights of the accused (e.g., right to review evidence against them, etc.) of a court martial, yet concluded that Kimmel and Short were guilty of “dereliction of duty,” resulting in a feeding frenzy by the press, public, and politicians.  With no opportunity to appeal, Kimmel was accused of failure to conduct adequate long-range reconnaissance, despite the fact that because of acute shortages of aircraft, trained crews and especially spare parts, Kimmel could only sustain a fraction of the coverage required – and the weather would have almost certainly prevented discovery of the Japanese anyway, even if Kimmel had been prescient enough to launch his few aircraft to the north on that particular morning.  Kimmel repeatedly requested a court-martial in order to defend himself, but was denied.  The primary reason was that a trial would have risked exposing the code-breaking effort that was considered (and really was) of paramount importance in winning the war.  Another unstated reason is that a trial would have risked the reputations of many senior military and government officials in Washington, who were far more culpable of the failures that led to surprise at Pearl Harbor than Kimmel was.
If by this point you think that Admiral Kimmel was treated unfairly, you are in the company of Admirals Zumwalt, Stockdale, Crowe, Hayward, Turner, Holloway, McKee, Lawrence, and 28 other 3-4 stars who signed a petition in 1991 to posthumously promote Rear Admiral Kimmel to Admiral.  So far it hasn’t happened.
I am not going to attempt to address the numerous conspiracy theories about Pearl Harbor (it is very much a cottage industry) other than to say that the vast majority are based on little-to-no actual evidence, usually taken out of context, and much speculation.  What can be said is that U.S. political and military leaders knew full well that the economic sanctions were backing the Japanese into a corner that would almost certainly result in an outbreak of war, and that the outbreak was imminent.  No one expected an attack on as devastating scale as that at Pearl Harbor.  Everyone grossly under-estimated Japanese capability and resolve, assuming that when the expected war came, we would easily clean their clock.
It should also be noted that the Japanese made numerous errors of judgment as well, and but for some lucky breaks for the Japanese, the battle could have gone very differently.   The many Japanese mistakes included the Air Strike Commander, Fuchida, botching the signal to the strike force as to whether surprise had been achieved or not, and which plan (surprise or no surprise) to execute, which significantly effected timing and targets.  Most importantly, the Japanese apparently had no plan to take out the repair facilities, submarine base, and fuel storage facilities (all of which would play a critical role in their defeat) because most Japanese leaders believed the war would be too short for those to have an impact, and smoke from burning oil storage would just foul the range anyway.  The Japanese, too, grossly underestimated their enemy.
Very respectfully,

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2017 LobsterFest – Saturday, June 3, 2017

43rd LobsterFest – Saturday, June 3, 2017
Please plan to join fellow Naval Academy alumni, family members and friends at Red Top Mountain State Park, (Shelter #2, near the Lodge), in Cartersville, GA, on Saturday, June 3rd, 2017.
The sea-loving entrée — lobsters — will be served starting at 16:00 (4 p.m.).  Non-lobster dinners will beSlide1 also available.
Registration details and forms are available on the U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association Atlanta (USNAAAA) Chapter’s website at –
To register, click here.
To download .pdf form, click 2017-USNAAAA-LobsterFest-app.
For more information, please visit 2017 LobsterFest.
Please ensure that you (attendees) bring your lobster utensils (crackers, hammers & tiny forks) for breaking into these tasty critters.

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2017 LobsterFest — Volunteers Needed

2017 LobsterFest needs volunteers (alumni,  family members, friends and others) to plan, organize, set-up, prepare, serve, and clean-up between now and Saturday, June 3, 2017.
LobsterFest entreeThe blueprint for a successful LobsterFest exist and has been tested during the past several LobsterFests; what is needed are the talent and dedicated time of volunteers to execute the existing blueprint.
Most importantly, the Atlanta Chapter requires individuals to chair  pick-up and deliver supplies, and cook mussels and lobsters.
Volunteers will receive a $10 rebate on lobster dinners at the door for volunteering at the LobsterFest.
This is an urgent appeal to Naval Academy Alumni and family members for your talent and time to ensure the success of the 2017 LobsterFest.
Please sign-up today on-line.

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2017 Army / Navy / Air Force Golf Challenge, Friday, April 28, 2017

Northwest Ohio Red Cross, Golf Scramble Event BannerWHEN:               

  • Friday, April 28, 2017
  • Registration and Driving Range 08:15 – 09:00
  • SHOTGUN START AT 0900 (9:00 AM)


  • Chapel Hills Golf Club
  • 3300 Golf Ridge Blvd
    Douglasville, GA 30135
    Phone: (770) 949-0030

HOW MUCH:      $95.00 per person

  • 18 Holes of Golf
  • Driving Range
  • Golf Cart
  • Buffet Lunch

Or, $15.00 for Lunch Only (Non-Golfers Invited)
$15.00 Tax-deductible Donation to support the youth programs of WPSA, USAFA AOG and USNAAAA
 $10.00 Buys a Mulligan (NO LIMIT!!)

FORMAT:  Modified Stableford Scoring

  • Team Play, Army versus Air Force versus Navy
  • Graduates’ scores are used for Team prize
  • Individual/Pairing Wagers are authorized (and encouraged)

Please register on-line or complete ArmyNavyAir Force Golf Flyer 2017 and send with check.  Early RSVPs and payment are greatly appreciated. 
PRIZES:   Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd Overall Golfers; Top Army, Air Force and Navy Golfer; Closest to the Pin; and Longest Drive
Donated prizes are always welcome!  Gift certificates, golf gear, meals at restaurants, entertainment tickets, just about anything you’d like to receive will be good golfer gifts
HOLE SPONSORS:   Sponsor a hole for $100 (we need your sponsorship notification by March 31st if you want a sign)

  • CONTACTS:     
  •                                     Army:  Dave Houston (770-855-4783)
  •                                     Navy:  Brad Jones (770-213-3555)
  •                                     Air Force:  Jason Smith (W: 770-863-2264; M: 404-245-2994)
  •                                     Air Force:  Sara Dozier,
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Military Service Academy Information Day – Saturday, April 29, 2017

Military Academy Information Day
Saturday, April 29, 2017
*10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Dobbins Air Reserve Base (Hanger 5)
Marietta, Ga. 30069

Registration required by April 25 to attend April 29 event

U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., today encouraged Georgia students interested in learning more about attending one of the nation’s five military service academies to register before the upcoming April 25 deadline for the annual statewide U.S. Military Service Academy Day. The event, hosted in coordination with the Georgia congressional delegation, will take place at Dobbins Air Reserve Base on April 29, 2017, and includes useful information regarding the military academy application, nomination and appointment process.
Isakson’s Military Service Academy Day event is open to students in grades eight through 12 and their parents. Parents and attendees must register by April 25, 2017, due to security restrictions at Dobbins Air Reserve Base, but there is no cost to attend.
Along with Isakson, U.S. Senator David Perdue, R-Ga., and U.S. Representatives Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga.-11, and Rob Woodall, R-Ga.-7, are scheduled to participate in the event.
Representatives from all five academies – the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, the U.S. Naval Academy, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, the U.S. Air Force Academy and the U.S. Military Academy – will deliver presentations regarding their requirements and expectations for admittance. The event is the largest of its kind in the country and typically draws hundreds of students and families from across the state of Georgia.
The Lassiter-Pope-Kell Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JR ROTC) Armed Exhibition Drill Team will perform at the beginning of the program, a local highlight at Military Academy Day.
* Due to Dobbins’ security restrictions, all individuals planning to attend the free event must make reservations in advance by April 25, 2017. Photo identification will be required at the main entrance gate for admittance. 
Guests may arrive as early as 9:00 a.m. in order to avoid congestion at the entrance gate and visit information tables.
All individuals who are interested in attending must register through Isakson’s website at no later than Tuesday, April 25, 2017, at 5:00 p.m., and may contact Isakson’s academy director Nancy Brooks at (770) 661-0999 with any questions.

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April’s USNAAAA Chapter Luncheon – Friday, April 21, 2017.

Spring Break is passed and opening, pollen has descended like snowfall on the metro area, and it is that time of the month for our monthly luncheon.
USNAAAA LuncheonUSNAAAA Chapter Monthly luncheon starts at 11:30 a.m., at American Legion Post 160, 160 Legion Drive, Smyrna, GA 30080.  Phone:  770-436-2501
Visit USNAAAA chapter’s website for more information: Cost is $15 for chapter members / $20 for non-members.
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend the April 2017 Monthly Luncheon.  Luncheons are a terrific opportunity for camaraderie, reconnecting and breaking bread together.
Please visit Chapter’s website at:  Please like us on Facebook at:

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On This Date (April 6th) in History

U.S. enters World War I

By Naval History and Heritage Command

Nearly a century ago President Woodrow Wilson stood before Congress to ask for a declaration of war on Germany.  They voted to do just that on April 6, 1917. Getting to that point was not a simple task for Wilson who faced opposition from both his own party and isolationists. However, he had learned well as a Princeton professor and the son a Presbyterian pastor, how to slowly guide an audience to see his side of an argument. In front of the joint session of Congress, he was just as methodical and as patient as he had been for the past two years canvassing America, convincing the U.S. to prepare for an inevitable war.
In an almost monotone voice with a simple raise and lower of the arm, Wilson showed himself as calm and collected. He had to present the U.S. composed with “hands unstained and passions not aroused.” Even his opening sentence appeared more of a request than a declaration of war:  “I have called the Congress into extraordinary session because there are serious, very serious, choices of policy to be made, and made immediately, which it was neither right nor constitutionally permissible that I should assume the responsibility of making.”
He started out almost bland then slowly making his points one by one using increasingly stronger language.  Even the Cornell Daily Sun noted that his call for war was, “… a dispassionate but unmeasured denunciation of the course of the Imperial German Government.”
Laying the Groundwork
The year before, Wilson had painstakingly pulled the U.S. from her self-imposed isolation to build a formidable naval presence with the passage of the Naval Act of 1916. That might sound odd given Teddy Roosevelt previously justified a prominent navy and just five years earlier sent the Great White Fleet to circumnavigate the globe. But Germany had changed the game with its U-boat submarines which had all but decimated the European navies, vividly demonstrating the outdated state of the day’s navies. In the face of German submarine warfare, it seemed everything was outdated.
If not to prepare for war, Wilson had to get America on board with the idea of at least supporting a stronger navy, which he initially believed would give America more clout to encourage an end to the war. However, House Majority Leader Claude Kitchin, argued that “true neutrality necessitated a commitment to remaining demilitarized.” According to historian Alex Arnett, a professor at Furman University, in his book, Claude Kitchin and The Wilson War Politics, Wilson’s challenge was to tone down the inflammatory accusations of those aligned against him by turning words like “militarization” to “preparedness.”
In Pittsburgh on Jan. 29, 1916, Wilson stood before an audience and claimed, “I would not be a true American if I did not love peace.” The Great War was well into its second year, and Americans were fearful of losing another generation of men. Wilson was only four when the Civil War broke out. He had grown up with his father in Columbia, S.C., which was charred and still in ruins. His own party’s platform since then had been “keep us out at all costs,” and his 1916 reelection campaign’s motto was “He [Wilson] kept us out of war!” To some it wasn’t good enough. His own Secretary of State resigned once Wilson placed demands on Germany after one of its U-boats sank RMS Lusitania killing 128 Americans.
Wilson did his best to placate such die hard pacifists. He altered his delivery and began by merely asking for an “adequate” and “efficient” Navy. Then out came his punch line, “in all honesty, it [the U.S. Navy] ranks no more than fourth in size and strength.” Once, he let it slip in St. Louis what he really wanted. On Feb. 2, 1916 he stated he wanted the U.S. Navy “to be incomparably the greatest navy in the world.” In the official text, he struck “greatest” to “most adequate.” Then, he back tracked pleading with Americans to be “neutral in action… in spirit and in feeling,” but warned the U.S. can’t be “an ostrich with its head in the sand.”  Using the back and forth language, Wilson incrementally made the point: love peace, but hate cowardice.
Then came the Battle of Jutland on the evening of May 31, 1916 while Congress debated the Navy Act. Although Britain claimed the best navy and outgunned the German fleet, Britain lost a staggering 6,100 sailors compared to 2,500 German casualties. There are those who believe the British Navy’s stunning loss helped make it possible for Wilson to eventually sign the Naval Appropriations Act of 1916 on Aug. 20, 1916.
A few weeks earlier, at the Biltmore Hotel in New York, the new Secretary of State, Robert Lansing, expedited the purchase from Denmark for twenty-five million dollars what is now the U.S. Virgin Islands for a very good reason: Denmark bordered Germany and although neutral, Wilson didn’t want to risk Germany potentially angling into the Western Hemisphere, especially so close to Puerto Rico. Wilson was working the chess board on a global scale.
On Jan. 31, 1917, Count Johann von Bernstorff, the German Ambassador to the U.S., presented to Wilson Germany’s formal declaration to commence unrestricted submarine warfare … effective the following day. Stunned, Wilson notified Congress on Feb. 3 that he had severed diplomatic relations with Germany. Then, two weeks later British Naval Intelligence gave Wilson a telegram they had intercepted from German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmerman to the German Ambassador in Mexico City. This is known as the infamous “Zimmerman Telegram.” In it, Germany promised to help the Mexican government recover California, New Mexico, Texas and Arizona if Mexico supported Germany if it went to war against America.
Wilson immediately asked Congress to authorize arming American merchant ships with Navy personnel and equipment. Anti-war senators filibustered the measure for nearly a month. Wilson needed a “final and last straw” which happened April 1, 1917.  A German U-boat torpedoed the private steamer Aztec off of France, killing 28 American crewmen. The French government informed the American Ambassador William Graves Sharp the next day. On April 2, Wilson carefully crafted his response to Congress with an appeal to their honorable nature and protection of future generations.
“It is a distressing and oppressive duty, gentlemen of the Congress, which I have performed in thus addressing you. There are, it may be, many months of fiery trial and sacrifice ahead of us. It is a fearful thing to lead this great peaceful people into war, into the most terrible and disastrous of all wars, civilization itself seeming to be in the balance.” On April 4, 1917, the Senate voted in for war by 82 to 6. Two days later, the House seconded the Senate’s approval by a vote of 373 to 50. After two arduous years, Wilson had motivated the American people and the Congress to approve a powerful navy and to go to war. Now he needed the Navy to cripple Germany’s destructive submarines.
Navy Victorious
Rear Adm. William S. Sims then met with British First Sea Lord, Sir John Jellicoe, in London. He reported, “The submarine issue is very much more serious than the people realize in America. It is therefore, urgently necessary that the maximum number of destroyers and other antisubmarine craft be sent abroad immediately.” Sims also reported that there was only enough food for the civilian population to survive no more than two months.
He immediately approved the use of destroyers to patrol and protect American and Allied ships delivering supplies. In three months, the Navy had convoyed 10,000 ships. The Navy had 34 destroyers prowling U-boat operating areas, thereby forcing submarines to remain submerged. Navy destroyers practically rendered useless the German submarine, which many thought to be the future of naval warfare.
While World War I was primarily a land conflict, the U.S. Navy played a central role in the victory. The Navy successfully fended off 183 attacks and safely escorted a total of 18,653 ships that carried large freight quantities to armies in France and to Allied civilian populations. To the pride of the Navy and the nation, the Navy safely delivered for the Army 2,000,000 soldiers. Wilson’s keen vision and foresight combined with a tenacious persistence was key to unleashing the full force of naval power to support the people of Europe and allied forces ashore bringing World War I to a victorious end.

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2017 Board of Trustees Election – Eastern Region

Vote For Your Representation
U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association Board of Trustees Election Information
Vote in this year’s Alumni Association Board of Trustees election. Your input strengthens our association and our shared future. Those elected will join the board for the Spring 2017 meeting.
In accordance with the bylaws of the U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association, the Board of Trustees approved the slate of nominees for the position of Eastern Region Trustee at the December 2016 meeting.
Also, the Board approved the nomination of Major General Leo V. Williams III ’70, USMCR (Ret.), to serve a second term as Vice Chair beginning with the spring 2017 meeting when the new Board is formed.
Since metro Atlanta resides in Eastern Region, you will receive a ballot for the 2017 Board of Trustees election. Printed ballots (unless you opted out of the print ballot) and e-mail messages will be sent to regular members by an external vendor, Election America, with complete voting instructions for mail, phone and online options.
Please take a few moments to read the biographies of the candidates for Trustee, and look for a ballot and voting instructions from Election America. Votes must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. ET, 4 April 2017.
Thank you for participating in the process of electing Board leaders for the Alumni Association.
Click on a Eastern Region candidate’s name to read their complete bio:
Commander William Squires ’75, USNR (Ret.)
Eric Armour ’81
Carlos A. Jativa ’98

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U.S. Naval Academy Foundation looking for a Major Gift Officer

The U.S. Naval Academy Foundation is looking for a Major Gift Officer to help raise funds in support of the Naval Academy and its mission. 
Check out the “Employment Opportunities” link at the bottom of the Alumni Association/Foundation website or go directly to Foundation’s search group site: for more information on the position and how to apply.

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2017 Distinguished Graduate Award

Honoring the 2017 Distinguished Graduate Award (DGA) recipients:

  • ADM Harry D. Train II ’49, USN (Ret.), served as the North American Treaty Organization’s Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic while Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Atlantic Command and Commander Chief, U.S. Atlantic Fleet, from 1978 to 1982.
  • Milledge A. Hart III ’56,  founder or co-founder of seven companies, including Electronic Data Systems (EDS) and The Home Depot.
  • The Honorable James Webb ’68, 66th Secretary of the Navy and former U.S. Senator from Virginia.
  • VADM Cutler Dawson ’70, USN (Ret.), president and CEO of Navy Federal Credit Union.
  • ADM Eric T. Olson ’73, USN (Ret.), former Commander, United States Special Operations Command. The first Navy SEAL to reach three- and four-star rank and the first naval officer to command U.S. Special Operations Command.

Distinguished Graduate Award Recipients by Class Year
The Distinguished Graduate Award (DGA) program started as a concept first envisioned by Rear Admiral Ronald F. Marryott, USN (Ret.), Class of 1957, when he was president and CEO of the United States Naval Academy Alumni Association. Rear Admiral Robert McNitt, USN (Ret.), Class of 1938, helped develop the concept to its current structure. The Alumni Association’s Board of Trustees approved the DGA proposal and in May 1998 the selection committee met under the chairmanship of Admiral Carlisle Trost, USN (Ret.), Class of 1953 to determine the nominating process. Distinguished Graduates are the embodiment of what we strive to achieve in the U.S. Naval Academy’s mission:
“To develop midshipmen morally, mentally and physically and to imbue them with the highest ideals of duty, honor and loyalty in order to graduate leaders who are dedicated to a career of naval service and have potential for future development in mind and character to assume the highest responsibilities of command, citizenship and government.”
As an institution, we honor our Distinguished Graduates because of their:

  • Demonstrated and unselfish commitment to a lifetime of service to our nation
  • Personal character which epitomizes the traits we expect in our officer corps
  • Significant contributions as Navy and Marine Corps officers, or as leaders in industry or government

Each of them serves as a beacon, lighting the way for our midshipmen as they begin to chart their naval careers. They also serve by example to motivate those alumni serving in the Fleet and Fleet Marine Corps. Our midshipmen can take away much from learning about our distinguished graduates. All the Distinguished Graduates honored – lived the traits of lifetime commitment to service, personal character and distinguished contributions to our nation.

2017 DGA Medal Ceremony
31 March 2017
1600 – Alumni Hall

Classmates of 2017 recipients wishing to attend the medal ceremony and sit in the reserved class section, please RSVP by emailing General seating will also be available. Regrets not necessary.

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