February 2010

This is usually the time of the year when Atlanta and most of North Georgia gets its winter blasts and this year is no different. All we can look forward to is that spring is not that far away and the South always gets it first.
We are into our 2nd month of our 2010 membership drive. If you are receiving this newsletter, that means you were at least a member in 2009. Maybe you’ve already signed on for 2010 and if you have that’s great. If you haven’t renewed your membership yet, today’s not a bad time to do so. As a matter of fact, I will be talking about membership, and more importantly the need to increase our numbers over 2009, for most of this year. That’s because this is the year when our numbers really matters.
To cut to the chase, every three years the Alumni Associations has every Chapter give a count of their membership. The year-end count is used to rank the Chapters to determine which ones will have an automatic Trustee position on the Foundation Board. As long as I can remember, we have been able to have such a position. This has afforded us the opportunity to have direct input to decisions on policy, direction, processes, priorities and overall SOP for the Foundation.
Our Chapter BODs believe that in order to maintain our position we will need to greatly increase our ranks over the previous count. We also know the best way to grow is to have members reach out to non-members and share the benefits of joining. Over the next few months we will establish a number of programs designed to clearly communicate membership benefits and support members bringing new members. Stay tuned.
USNA Gospel Choir visit was a great success, with 3 excellent performances and 3 great opportunities to showcase America’s finest. If you didn’t get a chance to attend a performance, help us ensure they’re here next year, so you can.
RADM Jim McGarrah ’73, gave us an excellent insight into the entire ongoing Guantanamo Bay discussions and debates and the legal and political challenges confronting our country on the issue. We had a great group of attendees and I believe Jim could still be answering, if allowed, all of the questions and interest generated.
Lee Whitfield ’71, Lee Gard ’78, George Hutcherson ’70, John Stark ’51, Bill Rentz ’55, Debbie Baus ’89, Paul Qualey ’88, Jim McGarrah ’73, Paul Borer ’70, Buzz Galbraith ’61, Mitch Rowland ’71, Jerry Mackey  ’54, Ed Hux ’61, Tom Galloway ’71, Ples Bruce ’77, Tom Hamilton ’78, C.Y. Smith ’77, Brian Jackson ’81, Reggie Vaohon ’58, Ron Taylor ’81, Bill Holmes ’64, Jon Barton ’66, Pete Knoetgen ’77, John Coty ’73, Steve Frederick ’72, Walt Sheffield ’51, John Andrews ’64.
Dark Ages Dinner/Dance, Saturday the 20th. You should have received your invite in the mail and there are also details on the website. If you have not already done so, please RSVP as soon as possible.
USNA Ruby Team visits GA Tech February 12-15. About 40 midshipmen are with the team and we do need families to volunteer to house them. More information is coming shortly.
NO LUNCHEON THIS MONTH. We want to focus all of our efforts and emphasis on the Dark Ages Dinner/Dance, so the Luncheon will return in March.
Ples Bruce ’77
Chapter President

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