President's Corner

Welcome to summer in Atlanta, for all of our area transplants. Well, it really isn’t quite summer yet, but it’s already starting to feel like it. That’s fine because there are a number of Chapter activities over the next few weeks to take your mind off of the heat.
The annual Navy/Army Golf Classic was held last week and for the first time in quite a while, Army won. Actually the current record is 13-3 our favor. So I guess Army has to win sometime, it’s just the law of averages. Besides this was the last year for the Classic at Ft. McPherson, due to the base closure, so Army had extra incentive. Next year we will be at a new venue and we’ll start our dominance all over again.
The annual Lobsterfest is June 4th and all of the details are on the website. This is our 37th year of lobster, drink and fun so get ready for the best time ever. All alumni and guests are welcomed, but you need to get your RSVP in ASAP, because this is our most popular event of the year.
Our annual Chapter Meeting is June 17th this year, which coincides with our monthly luncheon date. All dues paying members and any alumni who would like to become a member, should plan to attend. We conduct our Chapter business at this meeting, consisting of a State of the Chapter Report, the Treasurers review and election of new officers for 2011-2012 terms. It’s also an opportunity for alumni to relay any relevant news or information to the entire Chapter, so make plans to attend.
Also, as I conduct this meeting, I will be concluding my term as Chapter President. I would like to thank the Chapter Broad of Directors for their support, hard work and service over the past 2 years. Leadership is only as good as the team that surrounds it and it has been my honor and privilege to have served as your President. The new leadership team is very strong and I encourage everyone to come meet them at the luncheon on the 17th.
I also want to thank everyone in the Chapter for your support these last 2 years and I look forward to remaining very active in the Chapter.
Ples Bruce ‘77

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