BoD Meeting 09-17-2013

Meeting called to order at:
Discussion and Actions

  1. Composition of the new board of directors, EBrownlee to send out slate ASAP – Status update:done
  2. Current emails, phones, etc., for Board members and the preferred method of contact – SNewell to coordinate/fix – Status: done, new bug mail reflector foobar  angus/newellz forac
  3. Key Priorities for the year
    1. Membership – SNewell has action.  2013 is a year in which membership is reported back to USNA to ensure that we have a TRUSTEE from Atlanta.  We have >1000 alumni in the chapter, but < 270 members currently.
    2. Events – all events need a POC, canvas members to see who will step up:
      1. Army-Navy Game (12-14-2013 at Dantanas) –coordinate with Army Alumni Chapter
      2. DarkAges (57th Fighter Group – PeteK)
      3. Golf Challenge (TBD),
      4. Lobsterfest 2014 (6/7/14) – Inventory equipment, find storage, Booking Redtop asap – SEvans
      5. Annual Meeting (SNewell Mar suspense).
      6. Army-Navy Social Gathering – BRentz – status
      7. got buy in from AF association for more joint things – done
      8. success of recent football game attendance – we’re happy
      9. Dantanna’s is set for Army Navy – need to decide on RSVP/Payment methods – steve/angus forac
      10. Brian Bohannon set for This friday, McCrays Nov and Jan TBD.frederick to do intro
      11.  Status on Database work – S Newell Can you get a SITREP from Nelson
  4. Website updates for events – SNewell – current and working
  5. Treasurers report – PeteK -Angus would like fin report by end of cal year
  6. Chapter Trustee update – Ples – need
  7. 2013 Monthly Luncheons (McCray’s)
    1. August Luncheon – 08/16/2013 – Speaker:  Buddy Wellborn, ’59, Navy Football consultant – Success  33 attendees!
    2. September – 09/21/2013- Kristen Yale and Craig Washington ’89, USNA Dir of Engagement Ops – Firm -Reservation and Menu confirmed
    3. October  – 10/19/2013-, proposed Brian Bohannon: KSU AD, former Georgia Southern, Navy and Georgia Tech coach under Johnson. Suggested topic: Building a winning program of athletes not focused on the NFL: experiences and opportunities. STEVE Frederick POC – Status: FIRM
    4. November –  Kent Stephens – College Football Hall of Fame (Date?)
    5. December – (Skip?)
    6. January – TBD
    7. February – Career/Month? Bradley-Morris?
    8. March – TBD
    9. April – TBD
    10. May – TBD
    11. June – Annual Meeting
    12. Future – MMA fighter (
    13. Flag Officer du Jour
    14. Cindy – academy day SEAL
    15. CEOs – Eddie Myers, dammit,  Ron Twil, phil Smith,
    16. obstenick –
    17. Hunter Hill –  something, woop, state senator, smyrna-ite
    18. July – (Skip?)
  8. Designate POC for Connections to:
    1. Parents Association – VP of parents club contacted, willing to co advertise, etc. (McLean suggests we exchange “event lists”  to include Football Game watch venues, Dark Ages Party, Lobsterfest, and, from their side, Service Selection night social, Service Academy Day.  Accepted)
    2. Notre Dame Alumi – SEvans – Firm
    3. Sister Academy Alum Orgs (defer action until September BoD meeting) – Status update – McLean connected with USAF alum.  Setting up NAVY/AF Game – location TBD
    4. Ples says he cannot make the Dec BoT mtg.  need to determine who can replace him at Annapolis – tent: Newell

Adjourn meeting at:

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Atlanta Chapter September Luncheon

Attention USNAAAA Chapter Members and Atlanta Area USNA Alumni,
Please plan to attend Atlanta Chapter’s September Luncheon on Friday,  September 20, 2013, at 11:30 a.m.  Add it to you calendar!
The August Luncheon will have Craig Washington ’89 as the guest speaker giving us an update on the activities of the Alumni Association.
As with any USNAAAA you will be able to catch up with classmates and shipmates, and hear what is happening locally within the Chapter and in Annapolis with the Alumni Association and Foundation.
The Atlanta Chapter’s August luncheon is scheduled for Friday, September 20, 2013, at 11:30 a.m., at McCray’s Tavern Smyrna. For directions, visit the chapter’s website: Lunch is priced at $20 for members and $25 for non-members (a great opportunity to become a member and save $5) and as always, exact change is always appreciated.  Feel free to bring guests and encourage slacker classmates to join us.
McCray’s Tavern Smyrna –4500 West Village Place suite #2009, Smyrna, GA 30080

McCray’s Tavern is conveniently located right off of I-285 and Atlanta   Road in the city of Smyrna in West Village. If you are approaching from I-285, West Village is located one block away from the exit ramp on the northwest corner going towards the city of Smyrna. Once you enter West Village, McCray’s is located around back.
Please visit the Chapter’s website for more information at:
Please visit and like USNAAAA on Facebook at:

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Looking for your feedback on where and when to host Alumni events

Help us make our events more engaging and useful to you.  Please follow this link to a survey that will help plan events that more of you would like to attend at a time and location that helps with your busy schedule.
Once you have finished the survey, send me an email that answers this question:
What one thing would you absolutely come and see if it was part of an Alumni event?
Steve Newell
USNAAAA Secretary

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Navy Football Opener at Indiana

Come join your shipmates for the first game of the season at Indiana.  Angus McLean will be hosting at the Taco Mac (Prado) in Roswell.  Kickoff is at 1800.
From Buddy Wellborn, N* ’59:
“On 7 September 2013, Navy will open its season on the road in Bloomington, Indiana, against the Hoosiers of the University of Indiana –who are looking for some payback to avenge last year’s loss of a Big-10 school to a FBS non-AQ school like Navy.  Their offense nearly returns intact, and is much improved.  They probably will orchestrate a shoot-out and put the ball in the air 50 times – to receivers running routes under Navy’s  Bend-Don’t-Brake coverage.  Albeit their defense is a work-in-progress, they’ve had the time during both Spring and Summer Camp to prepare and learn [practice] the nuances of how to best defend Navy’s Triple Option.  But, their Defense won’t beat Navy, their Offense will in a shoot-out, replete with thrilling plays and ho-hum Field Goals, like 41-38 –either way.”

Taco Mac (Prado)

5600 Roswell Rd Suite M-003
Atlanta, GA 30342
(P) 404.941.1503 | (F) 404.941.1505


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BoD Meeting 8-13-13 Minutes

GATECH ROTC Building, 8-13-13
Ed Brownlee, Angus McLean, Scott Evans, Steve Newell, Jim Slemenda, Jim Rentz
Meeting called to order at 1910
Discussion and Action

  1. Outgoing President’s updates on Luncheon Speakers for August and September
  2. Composition of the new board of directors, EBrownlee to send out slate ASAP
  3. Current emails, phones, etc., for Board members and the preferred method of contact – SNewell to coordinate/fix
  4. Key Priorities for the year
    1. Membership – SNewell has action.  2013 is a year in which membership is reported back to USNA to ensure that we have a TRUSTEE from Atlanta.  We have >1000 alumni in the chapter, but < 270 members currently.
    2. Events – all events need a POC, canvas members to see who will step up:
      1. Army-Navy Game (12-14-2013 at Dantanas) –coordinate with Army Alumni Chapter
      2. DarkAges (57th Fighter Group – PeteR)
      3. Golf Challenge (TBD),
      4. Lobsterfest 2014 (6/7/14) – Inventory equipment, find storage, Booking Redtop asap – SEvans.
      5. Annual Meeting (SNewell).
      6. Army-Navy Social Gathering – BRentz
  5. Website updates for events – SNewell
  6. Treasurers report – PeteR – No update this meeting
  7. Chapter Trustee update – Ples – No update given
  8. 2013 Monthly Luncheons (McCray’s)
    1. August Luncheon – 08/16/2013 – Speaker:  Buddy Wellborn, ’59, Navy Football consultant
    2.  September – 09/21/2013- Kristen Yale and Craig Washington ’89, USNA Dir of Engagement Ops
    3. October  – 10/19/2013-, proposed Brian Bohannon: KSU AD, former Georgia Southern, Navy and Georgia Tech coach under Johnson. Suggested topic: Building a winning program of athletes not focused on the NFL: experiences and opportunities.
    4. Future – Kent Stephens – College Football Hall of Fame
  9. Designate POC for Connections to:
    1. Parents Association – VP of parents club contacted
    2. Notre Dame Alumi – SEvans
    3. Sister Academy Alum Orgs (defer action until September BoD meeting)

Adjourn meeting at 2025

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2013 – 2014 USNAAAA Chapter slate of officers and directors

Dear Alumni,
Here is the 2013 – 2014 USNAAAA Chapter slate of officers and directors for the next term:
President – Angus McLean ’84
VP – Scott Evans ’88
Treasurer – Pete Knoetgen ’77
Secretary – Steve Newell ’89
General Directors:
Bill Rentz ’55
Jim Slemenda ’66
Steve Frederick ’72
USNA AA Trustee
Ples Bruce ’77
Immediate Past President
Ed Brownlee ’81
Ed Brownlee
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Atlanta Chapter August Meeting – Ray Wellborn speaks on Navy Football

Attention USNAAAA Chapter Members and Atlanta Area USNA Alumni,
Please plan to attend Atlanta Chapter’s August Luncheon on Friday,  August 16, 2013, at 11:30 a.m.
The August Luncheon will have Ray ‘Buddy’ Wellborn ’59 as the guest speaker giving us his insight on Navy Football.  For those that heard him speak, you already know what a treat this will be.  For those who don’t know, Ray graduated from USNA in 59 winning the Thompson Trophy for Athletics.  In his varsity years he played on Navy Football teams with winning seasons: 1956 (6-1-2), 1957 (9-1-1),and 1958(6-3). He was on the Navy’s 1956 team that beat Notre Dame (and Heisman Trophy winner Paul Hornung 33-7).  The next year he was AP’s Back of the Week for scoring all three touchdowns in Navy’s victory over Notre Dame 20-6 in South Bend. He shared the rushing honors for the Navy team that shutout Army 14-0 in 1957 and then beat Rice 20-7 in the Cotton Bowl Championship in 1958.
As with any USNAAAA you will be able to catch up with classmates and shipmates, and hear what is happening locally within the Chapter and in Annapolis with the Alumni Association and Foundation.
The Atlanta Chapter’s August luncheon is scheduled for Friday, August 16 2013, at 11:30 a.m., at McCray’s Tavern Smyrna. For directions, visit the chapter’s website: Lunch is priced at $20 for members and $25 for non-members (a great opportunity to become a member and save $5) and as always, exact change is always appreciated.  Feel free to bring guests and encourage slacker classmates to join us.
McCray’s Tavern Smyrna –4500 West Village Place suite #2009, Smyrna, GA 30080

McCray’s Tavern is conveniently located right off of I-285 and Atlanta   Road in the city of Smyrna in West Village. If you are approaching from I-285, West Village is located one block away from the exit ramp on the northwest corner going towards the city of Smyrna. Once you enter West Village, McCray’s is located around back.
Please visit the Chapter’s website for more information at:
Please visit and like USNAAAA on Facebook at:

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Atlanta Chapter’s June Luncheon (McCray’s Tavern)

Attention USNAAAA Chapter Members and Atlanta Area USNA Alumni,
Please plan to attend Atlanta Chapter’s June Luncheon on Friday, June 21, 2013, at 11:30 a.m.
June Luncheon is the annual Chapter meeting, elections and an opportunity to hear about what is happening locally within the Chapter and in Annapolis with the Alumni Association and Foundation.
The Atlanta Chapter’s June  luncheon is scheduled for Friday, June 21, 2013, at 11:30 a.m., at McCray’s Tavern Smyrna. For directions, visit the chapter’s website: Lunch is priced at $20 for members and $25 for non-members (a great opportunity to become a member and save $5) and as always, exact change is always appreciated.
McCray’s Tavern Smyrna –4500 West Village Place suite #2009, Smyrna, GA 30080

McCray’s Tavern is conveniently located right off of I-285 and Atlanta   Road in the city of Smyrna in West Village. If you are approaching from I-285, West Village is located one block away from the exit ramp on the northwest corner going towards the city of Smyrna. Once you enter West Village, McCray’s is located around back.
Please visit the Chapter’s website for more information at:
Please visit and like USNAAAA on Facebook at:

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Johns Creek Veterans Memorial Walk

The Johns Creek Veterans Association is embarking on a plan to build a meditative memorial to veterans in a quiet, unused portion of Newtown Park.
The association needs to raise $150,000 to start the project, with a final goal of $300,000 to cover all the features it hopes to add. No tax dollars will be used. The City Council gave the Veterans Association verbal permission to proceed on Jan. 14.
“Johns Creek Veterans Memorial Walk at Newtown Park will offer a place to pause and remember the men and women who served our country,” said Johns Creek Veterans Association President Gerry Lewis.
Located on four acres just south of Park Place, the Memorial Walk will have a handicap-accessible, landscaped trail with black granite memorials for each major conflict dating from World War I. The memorials will be simply designed, with the conflict’s name, years and Campaign Service Medal. The entrance plaza will have a brick sitting wall and flags for each branch of service. A gazebo in the midst of the walking paths will coordinate with the Park Place patio.
The JCVA is accepting donations for the walkway, monuments, park benches, entrance plaza, gazebo, and engraved pavers to raise money for the project. The engraved pavers will be located near the monuments.
Groundbreaking is tentatively set for Memorial Day, and completion is anticipated to be Veterans Day 2014.

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2013 NCSA WORLD SERIES – Navy Women’s Club Softball Team Received At-Large Bid

USNA Women’s Softball Team received At-Large Bid to the 2013 National Club Softball Association (NCSA) World Series– to be held at the South Commons Softball Complex in Columbus, GA, May 17-19, 2013.
The United States Naval Academy Club Softball Team is an Academy sanctioned club sport comprised of female midshipman with the desire to continue playing softball at a competitive level. Since the Naval Academy does not have a varsity woman’s softball team, this is the only fastpitch softball available to midshipmen. Club softball competes in both the fall and the spring in the Mid-Atlantic North Conference, with the ultimate goal of competing at the National Club Softball Association World Series each year. Navy has captured the Conference title in each of the past 4 years and has been to the NCSA national tournament multiple times, to include winning the national title in 2006. They strive to be as competitive as possible while having fun!

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